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 ABOUT smo lax: 

Short and sweet (& clever) was the goal when it came time to naming this venture.


My parents gave me an interesting name that can be difficult to spell (thanks ma & dad), so I combined elements of my first and last name (Shaniece MOhawk). Plus, it sounds like "some more."

Boom. Now onto the purpose of this website:

I noticed that lacrosse information is spread all across the internet, and in my years I've collected experiences that range from the NLL to world competitons, to high school lacrosse, so why not throw these things together? With encouragement from others I decided to create one place where lacrosse information can be found, or at least lead to what you're looking for. Through this blog/ site/ lacrosse gold/ whatever you wanna call it, I will share my experiences and provide all types of lacrosse information.


I am not a journalist and all opinions are my own (or those of the interviewees). This is just a collection of my thoughts (in a somewhat organized fashion), and whatever other info my readers would like to see. I welcome and appreciate your feedback, suggestions, and whatever else you can throw at me.

© 2016 by SMo Lax.

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