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Thank you for checking out my site!

The idea to launch my own website has been floating around for awhile and with the encouragement from others and the fact that I finally have some free time, I decided to go for it!

Ideas are brewing and I plan on publishing 1-2 features a week. So there's not much content now because I didn't want to overload the space. Also when seasons get closer I'll post more relevant information.

While I have you here, like my fan page on Facebook (search: Smo Lax, or go to, follow me on Twitter (@sh_mohawk) and Instagram (@shaniece_mo). Or you can click on the little icons.... Or you can wait until I write the feature on it. Your call. On social media, I'll post things relevant to my "Upcoming Adventures" section, scores, and other random updates.

Please let me know what you want me to cover! Suggestions, comments, etc. are greatly appreciated!



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