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For the student-athletes...

I'll begin with the disclaimer that while this is lacrosse-related, it's more on the "life lessons" end. I read a tweet recently and the individual didn't think they were cut out for college after all. Some people really aren't cut out for it, but give it a shot and give yourself time to acclimate before you jump to a conclusion. I wasn't a student-athlete, however, I did go to college... More is expected from student-athletes because you have to earn the grades to play- you'll find some advice from someone who was a student-athlete at the conclusion of this feature...

Believe in yourself. Cliche, I know, but if you believe in yourself, others will too.

A new environment with new people can be overwhelming. If you look around, your classmates are in the same position as you. Stick together and you'll create your own community. You'll meet great people and not-so-great people- keep the positive ones around. Life's too short to spend time with people who bring you down.

You may be away from home, but don't forget where you come from. Stick to your roots. Bring some of the comforts of home to college and practice your cultural traditions.

There are so many people rooting for you. Your family, friends, community, the youth, your school, etc. Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you're struggling in your classes, ask questions, see your professors during office hours, study with classmates or go to your school's tutoring center. I tutored during college, so if you need help, I covered general core classes, business classes and algebra. Shoot me an email if needed! Schools have many resources available to help students, from tutoring to mental health, so don't be afraid to ask what your school has to offer.

The college experience is a short one. Live it up & (with that being said), act responsibly. Remember who you're representing and respect yourself. There are so many people who would love to receive an education while playing the sport they love, so have fun, but don't take the opportunity for granted. The college experience is what you make it.

I asked Jesse King for advice/ motivation. He's from Victoria, BC (on Vancouver Island) and went to school at Ohio State University. He's gone on to play professionally for the Georgia Swarm (NLL), Rochester Rattlers (MLL), for his hometown WLA team, the Victoria Shamrocks and as a member of Team Canada. Here's what he had to say:

"The largest benefactor I found when I was a student-athlete was getting organized into a routine. Being able to manage your time wisely into practice, school, homework, eat, sleep, and downtime is extremely important. Creating this routine gets you in the right mindset to be able to perform at your maximum potential."

Special thanks to Jesse & I just want to end this by saying how incredible it is to see people I know and meet those who are filling collegiate and professional rosters. Keep it going and continue growing the game!

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