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Steve "Coast to Coast" Priolo

Steve Priolo is a 6'5" defender from St. Catharines, Ontario. He's currently a member of the Buffalo Bandits (NLL) and has been a member Team Canada (2015 WILC gold medal recipients), the Brooklin Redmen (MSL) and the Victoria Shamrocks (WLA- 2015 Mann Cup champions).

SMo: How does it feel to be considered a veteran on the team (Buffalo Bandits)?

SP: At first it felt new to me. Through my life I've always played with the age group or two above, making me the youngest guy. With the Bandits, I grew up watching Mark (Steenhuis) and Billy Dee (Smith), so it was surreal playing with them. They have done a great job making me feel comfortable over the years and the transition from rookie to veteran has been seamless. Now I am so comfortable being on the floor and I want to make all players with Buffalo feel comfortable to play their game.

SMo: How would you describe your personal brand?

SP: If I knew my brand I would be promoting it. My values are my brand- put your heart into everything you do. Practice, practice, practice. Never fight for yourself, but always fight for your teammate.

SMo: How do you feel about the fake Steve Priolo Twitter account?

SP: I love it! As long as it promotes the game I'm all for it.

SMo: Would you troll him(?) and have a "Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?" moment if you join the Twittersphere?

SP: Yeah, I guess I would have to. Sometimes I find it hard to promote myself. I find that to be a flaw of mine- self-promotion has never come easy for me. So if someone else wants to promote me and promote the Buffalo Bandits program, I'll do anything I can do to help.

SMo: Given the season, do you prefer working out in the gym or outside?

SP: I always prefer outside. That being said, during the winter you won't be able to get the same work done. It has to be a balance of indoor workout plans, outdoor activities and exercise, and a healthy diet.

SMo: Where has your favorite hike been? SP: Angels Landing, Zion National Park (in Utah). Words cannot describe it. If you're not afraid of 2 foot wide paths with 1,500 foot sheer drops on either side of you, then you must go.

SMo: What's your favorite book? SP: Usually anything world history, but I just finished Born to Run (Christopher McDougall) and Alone on the Wall (David Roberts). Those two books have gotten me more interested in human extremes.

SMo: Where are you most interested in traveling to? SP: I've been to quite a few places. Australia for a few months, Utah, Hawaii, Northwest Territories, lived on Vancouver Island, just to name a few. I don't know what draws me to places. I just get a feeling and my fiance and I go. We have a trip to England, Scotland and Ireland to see the history and have some great hikes. They have always interested me, (and) I've been drawn to the cold my whole life. So next we are looking to Norway for ice climbing and Iceland for our honeymoon.

SMo: What's your favorite thing about Buffalo? SP: The waterfront (Canalside!). The work and effort that is going into creating a great place for the community is so important.

SMo: What's your favorite thing about Banditland? SP: Banditland wouldn't be Banditland without the fans. The support they give us when times are rough and the cheers we hear every time we step on the floor reminds us why we are putting our bodies on the line. Banditland is surpassed by no other.

Give the guy a follow on Instagram! @stevepriolo

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